jak tiano

Jak Tiano | Senior Software Engineer

He/him — Burlington, VT jaktiano@me.com — view this résumé on the web


Software Research and Community Building

October 2022 - Now | Burlington, VT
Key Outcomes and Responsibilities
Narrative Context

As COVID came to an end and I was feeling ready to move on from my current job at the time, I decided to to pursue some bigger picture projects full-time, both in software research and in my community.

The mix of technical and political work during this time taught me a tremendous amount about collaboration and consensus building in a way that was more nuanced and impactful than in my corporate jobs.

My crowning non-software achievement of this time—playing a key role in getting a huge upzoning ordinance passed—required me to combine research and data analysis skills to technically model the impacts of housing policy in my city, but to then also craft a story around that research, and then to finally sell that story to a wide spectrum of people: politicians, the business community, renters, and home owners alike. At the same time, I managed a grassroots organization of volunteers and sympathetic locals to increase education and outreach, and to ultimately rally a large upswell of community support for the proposal—which passed the city council unanimously.

From an engineering perspective, I spent a considerable amount of time working on a research project centered around a content-addressable assembly language and virtual machine. See (many, many) more details in this overview of the project or on its dedicated project website.

VEIC | Full Stack Data Applications Engineer

September 2021 - October 2022 | Burlington, VT
Key Outcomes and Responsibilities
  • Maintained Python + Postgres + Redis ETL pipeline, via AWS + K8S
  • Collaborated with IT deptartment to Docker-ize our analytics infrastructure
  • Deployed on-prem tools to Linux servers, automated with Bash scripting
  • Built front-end JavaScript data dashboards for internal/external customers
Narrative Context

VEIC is a non-profit that lobbies for energy policy at the (VT) state and national level, runs efficiency programs for utility companies, and also contracts efficiency consulting work for the private sector.

This role was a bit of a gamble: it was interesting to me on paper in that it was local and mission driven, but it was not a software company and I wasn't sure what it would look like inside. Ultimately, since software engineering was very much an "assist" role, I ran out of meaningful challenge and room to grow after about a year, though the experience in Python and Data Analytics was valuable. I resigned after wrapping a major project, and learned that the non-profit world is probably not for me.


March 2020 - August 2021 | Fort Lauderdale, FL -> Burlington, VT
Narrative Context

After COVID hit, I spent the following year handling family needs and relocating back to Burlington, VT. While not formally employed, I used the freedom of this time period to dive deep into a number of technical interests, including Swift UI, high performance data-oriented software architecture, Assembly languages, and explored the non-blockchain Web3 space.

Magic Leap | Senior Software Engineer

January 2017 - February 2020 | Fort Lauderdale, FL
Key Outcomes and Responsibilities
  • Core Responsibility: Build "Magic Leap World", our native app and content store
  • Promoted to Senior Software Engineer and took on two direct reports in 2018
  • Led the architecture and implementation in C# of the complete AR Native App
  • Worked with requirements from UX department to implement a custom UI Toolkit
  • Catalog and payments API Integration in collaboration with back-end team
  • Delegated work, reported progress, and mentored junior talent as Team Lead
Narrative Context

Magic Leap is an integrated hardware/software platform for head-mounted augmented reality computing, à la Apple Vision Pro or Microsoft Hololens. During my time with the company, it was still targeting a consumer product, not industrial.

ML was a very fast growing (and already large) startup during my time there. I learned the ropes of "Big Tech" in a trial by fire environment, and grew tremendously as an engineer and a team member.

Xemory | Game Programmer

August 2015 - November 2016 | Burlington, VT
Key Outcomes and Responsibilities
  • Primary game designer and programmer, using the Unity3D engine and C#
  • Worked on core game logic, online server features, and game's website
  • Collaborated with physics post-doc to implement evolutionary algorithm systems
Narrative Context

Xemory was an SBIR grant-funded game studio that was taking evolutionary robotics research into the educational gaming market.